Physical Education
At St Gregory's our intent for physical education is to develop the children’s knowledge, skills and understanding so that they can perform with increasing competence and confidence in a range of physical activities. These include dance, games, gymnastics, swimming and water safety, athletics and outdoor adventure activities. At our school physical education promotes an understanding in children of their bodies in action. It involves thinking, selecting and applying skills, and it promotes positive attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle. Thus we enable the children to make informed choices about physical activity throughout their lives. We strive to contribute to the development of social, emotional and personal skills necessary for an individual to interact with others, or operate independently and with enjoyment.
Sport Councillors Pupil Voice
At St Gregory’s our Physical Education lessons help us to embrace ourselves and release our feelings. It educates us about our wellbeing and why we should do exercise to keep us healthy and strong. PE gives us understanding of our body and how we build our fitness. We have opportunities to compete with other schools in our local area and multi-academy. Our lessons give us an idea of what sports you can do as future as a career. We build on our skills working to apply them within competitive games.
To enhance pupil participation, a Sports Council is set up within school alongside a plethora of extra-curricular activities to meet the needs of all children. Children are keen to share their thoughts for the development of the PE provision and curriculum which we offer at St Gregory’s, with regular meetings scheduled with the sports councillors and PE co-ordinators to discuss new ideas to enhance PE further. The sports councillors help to organise inter house competitions across our Multi academy and these take place regularly to allow the children to compete in a variety of sporting activities.
All pupils in year 4 and 5 have the opportunity to complete cycling proficiency and road safety courses. As part of the extended schools provision, all pupils may access sporting activities including, football, athletics, tag rugby, netball, cricket, cross-country, hockey and many more. In addition to the curriculum sports, the children are also able to access alternative sports within their PE lessons some of which include: fencing, yoga, boxercise, outdoor and adventurous and orienteering. There are school teams for football, netball, rugby, athletics, swimming and rounders in addition to the Dance clubs that run throughout the year. Competitions are available for different sports and year groups to take part in throughout the year.
To ensure that we are working towards a 'mentally healthy' school, St. Gregory's have yearly Health and Wellbeing week whereby all year groups, from Nursery to Year 6, took part in a multitude of activities to develop their understanding of a healthy mindset and a positive wellbeing. We will continue to hold specific health weeks in the future to develop the children's resilience as this was greatly received by all staff, pupils and parents.
Our broad and balanced PE curriculum impacts greatly on our children’s ability to acquire the knowledge, skills and understanding needed to make appropriate choices about their physical health. They understand key concepts and skills taught and are able to transfer these into a variety of different sports and settings.
Our curriculum develops positive self-awareness in children as they become physically competent. They also demonstrate a healthy attitude towards competition, showing respect for individuals, teams, officials and coaches.
Sports Councillor & Playground Leaders
Our Sports Leaders are an elected group of children who have several important responsibilities; the most important one is providing a voice for the pupils of St Gregory's. They have meetings to share their ideas and views of sport in our school. Further roles and responsibilities of our Sports Leaders range from ensuring all equipment is tidily stored and maintained and to independently organise playground sporting activities for all children to partake in. Our Sports Leaders act as a binding link between the pupils and P.E coordinators. They share the views and opinions of all children, suggesting activities and opportunities which will enthuse even the most reluctant of sportsmen and women.
Useful Documents
- Primary National Curriculum - PE
- Progression of Skills
- Long Term Plan EYFS_Y6
- Hall Timetable
- Physical Education Curriculum Overview EYFS-Y6
- PE Action Plan 2024/2025
Northwood Athletics 2024
Swimming Gala 2024