Welcome to Year 4
Year 4 staff: Mrs Williams, Mrs Price, Mr Langston, Miss Heron and Mrs Leese.
Class Text
The Wind in the Willows
Escape from Pompeii
Our Year Four Class Saints
St Therese of Lisieux
Feast Day: 1st October
St Anne
Feast Day: 26th July
Children's University
For all children taking part in Staffordshire University Children's University please see the attached form for activities to be carried out in order to gain extra credits. Once you have completed an activity you can either take a photograph or ask an adult to sign your record sheet. Enjoy!
Our Learning - SpringTerm
Religious Education:
During our RE lessons this term we will be learning about:
- Christmas
- Jesus Light of the World
- Lent
- Holy Week
In our English lessons this term we will be learning about:
- Descriptions
- Explanation Text
- Persuasive Writing
- Narrative
- Newspaper Report
In our Maths lessons this term we will be learning about:
- Addition and Subtraction
- Multiplication and Division
- Fractions
- Decimals
In our Science lessons this term we will be learning about:
- Living Things and Habitats
Our topic for the Spring term is 'The Romans'. Throughout this topic we will be learning about:
- Italy and ROme
- Volcanoes
- Boudicca
- Celts
- Romans Brooches
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