Welcome to our ECO Page.
'ECO means to save the planet and keeping animals safe from rubbish. At St Gregory's we can keep our environment clean by litter picking the school grounds. We take part in lots of planting of vegetables and fruits to help with our ECO system. We like to save energy by turning lights off and plugs when they are not in use'. - Pupil Voice
As an Eco School, we aim to manage the school building and facilities with sustainability at its heart. We want to enable pupils to understand the importance of protecting the environment both locally (within our school and homes) and globally. We seek to empower pupils to become responsible environmentalists, and to provide all pupils with a range of experiences and enrichment opportunities that will teach subject-specific knowledge and vocabulary linked to biodiversity and the environment.
Our mission is to help make our school sustainable and to bring about behaviour change in young people and those connected to them so that good habits learned in schools are followed through into homes and communities.
By addressing environmental issues in school and reducing waste, school will save money, which can be reinvested elsewhere.
Our focuses for this year
Reduce - We switch off lights when they are not in use and make sure taps are turned off when no longer needed.
Re-use - We will find uses for donated materials using them for storage within school or as part of our art projects.
Recycle- We will recycle paper and card using our recycling bins. We recycle batteries in school and for our community using the Battery Recycle Scheme.
As a proactive school, we have written a sustainability action plan.
We recognise that climate change and nature loss are two sides of the same coin - we can’t tackle one without the other and we need to do so in a sustainable way. As a school, we have the power to take action on both of these environmental issues today; by making schools planet-friendly we can make space for nature, protect the atmosphere and produce less waste overall.
Please see the WWF sustainability guide - WWF Schools Sustainability Guide.pdf
Our ECO council meet each half term to identify actions and be proactive in our approach to ECO and sustainability.
ECO Schools Topics:
- Energy
- Plastic
- Litter
- Waste
- Healthy Living
- School Grounds
- Global Citizenship
- Biodiversity
- Transport