Faith in Action
We each have a calling. We each have a vocation.
Charitable Giving Listening Preparing Working Displaying Values and Virtues
Learning Responding Mission
Caring for God's Creation
Family and Community
Our Common Home
Care for God's Creation
Mini Vinnie Sponsored walk.
Christmas Parish Event with the Mini Vinnies.
Christmas Kindness and Remembrance Liturgies.
Homemade Prayer boxes
Harvest Assembly
Douglas MacMillan Coffee Morning
May Procession
Sacrament of Reconciliation.
Parish Easter Celebration- attended by the Mini Vinnies
One Stop Community Grant of £10,000
Prayer Bags
Prayer Garden
Queen Elizabeth II
We came together to remember before God her late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, to give thanks for her life and to comfort one another in our grief.
Canonisation of John Henry Newman
All over the world, people were preparing to celebrate the canonisation of Blessed John Henry Newman on Sunday 13th October. (First English saint since 17th century). Pupils across the school participated in praying with the rosary.
Extraordinary Missionary Month
During October we spent time in prayer with Archbishop Bernard. This took place on Wednesday 9th October at 14:00, our school joined via a live stream. As October is the Extraordinary Missionary Month and also dedicated to the Holy Rosary we were praying the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary.
Remembrance Sunday
On Remembrance Sunday our school supported the community by joining the Remembrance Parade.
CAFOD’s values
At CAFOD their mission is to work alongside the world’s poorest people. They work without prejudice, they don’t preach, and they pride themselves on their diversity. They believe our Catholic values are best shown through our love for other, and by working for justice and an end to poverty.
Whole School Recording - CD for Christmas
Rosh Hashanah
We celebrated Jewish New Year during our RE Lesson. Pupils recreated the ritual of casting away into the water. We ate apples dipped into honey as this symbolises the excitement of the sweet New Year ahead. Pomegranate symbolises the fruitfulness of performing good deeds.
Yom Kippur (The Day of Atonement)
Hymn Practice
Liturgy time in our classroom
Shrove Tuesday (Pancake Day)
Pancake were originally invented as a way of using up all the leftover fatty and rich foods before lent. It is the traditional feast day before the start of lent on Ash Wednesday. Pupils enjoyed participating in making them.
Ash Wednesday
During Ash Wednesday Bishop McGough said mass and blessed the ashes. Following this the spiritual leaders and some selected pupils visited FS1 to Y5 classes to put ashes on pupils foreheads. “Repent and Believe in the Gospel/Good News”
Mini Vinnies
During Mini Vinnies group we get together and organise and talk about helping others in need within our school community and beyond.
Lenten Liturgy in the classroom
Multi-Faith Week