Home Learning Testimonial Page
During this unprecedented time our staff have been working extremely hard to support our pupils through home learning. For the past few weeks we have received comments and feedback from parents about our home learning and engagement with pupils. We would like to share some of our comments and feedback.
"Thank you so much for providing such an excellent timetable of work for both of my children to complete at home at this difficult time. Being provided with this work really does make a difference, it is fun for them to complete, it keeps them occupied and up to date with the topics they would be working on at school and it also makes home schooling much easier for myself as a parent - I appreciate it so much!
I was worried that they would be out of touch with their everyday workload but because of your efforts this has not been the case.
Thank you to all of the teachers for your hard work and dedication during this difficult time, in particular my Son's teachers in both FS2 & Year 3.
Thank you for everything"
From Joanne FS2 and Y3 Parent
"We are really happy about Home Learning service.
We think its great because we have contact with my children's teachers. Thank you to all staff for their hard work and quick responding. We appreciate your help."
From Y5, Y2 and FS2 Parents
"Home Learning is quite a daunting task, but it is made far easier with the learning packs that are uploaded onto the school website each week. This enables the children to see their work set out in a familiar way from their teachers. It is also easy for parents to see what they are teaching and what the end goal of work is to achieve together. The e-mail addresses are answered quickly with any queries and the work is uploaded promptly each Friday, ready for the following working week. It is nice to see recognition through certificates and photo's being uploaded onto the individual year group pages. The children love to see their photos and their friends too. The Purplemash and TTRockstars websites are great for working parents, I set my children up on these to complete their tasks, whilst I continue to work from home."
From Lindsay Y1 and Y4 Parent
"The daily PowerPoint's have been fab for their independent learning skills. Thank you for all of the hard work which has gone into these."
From Claire Y4 and Y6 Parent
"Thank you so much for all of the work you are setting and the useful resources - I certainly take my hat off to you all - You are all incredible"
From Lindsay Y6 Parent
"Thank you for your kind support and all your efforts during these times."
From Y1 Parent
"Thank you for all your hard work so far in providing work for the children."
From Y2 Parent
"Thank you for your continued support, it is much appreciated."
From Y1 Parent