Year 2 Love Learning
Meet the Year 2 Team
Mrs Mottram and Miss Fenney - Class MM2
Class Saint - St. Paul Our special feast day is on 29th June.
Miss Harper Mrs Rehman - Class LH2
Class Saint - St. Bernadette Our special feast day is on 16th April.
We are so proud of you and we are looking forward to another fun packed term: learning, exploring, questioning, growing, playing, laughing, sharing and building more memories together.
Please take time to read the curriculum leaflet below which tells you all about learning and teaching this term.
Year 2 Prayers
In Year 2 the children will be learning new prayers throughout the year.
These include the Eternal Rest, The Act of Hope, The Act of Faith and the Prayer of Saint Francis.
Our Class Author is Anthony Browne
Looking for something to read? Take a look at the booklist below.
See what they have got in your local library
Home Learning
Home Learning is given on the following sites: Purple Mash,, and TTRockstars. The children all have their own log ins.
Please click below to be taken to the websites.
Other useful weblinks
Practise your spellings
For free ebooks
Fun science activities for home
Range of games and activities
English, Maths and Other Subjects
Try some yoga:
See some of our fabulous learning below.
These are just some of many wonderful learning opportunities your child has had access to.
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If you have any queries please contact the school office and they will arrange a call back or an appointment with the class teacher or Key Stage Leader - Mrs. Mottram. You can also e-mail our Key Stage e-mail address:
Add your child's name and class.