Prayer and Liturgy
At St Gregory's Catholic Academy, we aim to be a living and loving community which is in inspired by the life of Christ and the teachings of the Church, rooted in Gospel values.
Prayer and Liturgy is a core aspect of our school’s Catholic identity and is a daily, central feature. The importance of spending time in the presence of God is fundamental to our Catholic faith. At St Gregory's, we ensure that our children have broad and varied opportunities to experience God through prayer and worship.
Whole School Prayer and Liturgy
Each Monday, our whole school comes together in an assembly, this is a wonderful opportunity to start the week in prayer and reflect on how we can live our lives, in the image of God.
On Friday, our school meets together again in celebration of the past week. This assembly incorporates an element of Collective Worship at its beginning, children receive rewards not only for their academic work, we also recognise those who have lived out the virtues through the week.
Class-Based Prayer and Liturgy
Each class is given several opportunities to pray throughout the day and week, with one on these being a longer, more formal Prayer and Liturgy, led by the class. Children are taught a range of Catholic prayers to be used in a range of different situations. The children within the class are given the opportunity to plan and lead Prayer and Liturgy with the support of the class teachers.
Wednesday Word
Each Wednesday, teachers use the ‘Wednesday Word’ resource as for the collective worship for the day, this tie=me allows us to respond to God's word and look forward to the Sunday gospel with a deeper understanding
Faith-filled Friday
Every Friday, staff and pupils plan 15 minutes of faith based upon specific themes of readings.
Minnie Vinnies
Our Mini Vinnies are from Y3 to Y6. They come together to form a part of the St. Vincent de Paul Society England and Wales, a voluntary organisation dedicated to tackling poverty in all its forms. The Mini Vinnies meet each week with Mrs Britton to pray, discuss and see what they can to help make a difference in our communities.
Our Mini Vinnies have helped by;
- Writing cards for local care homes
- Running food collections for the food bank
- Led cake sales for the Douglas MacMillan
- Sold Christmas craft for CAFOD
- Represented the school at a local Remembrance Day parade.
Pupil Led liturgies
Our children are inspirational leaders in faith.
Each class plan and lead a class liturgy each week focused on the Liturgical Calendar, important Feast days and a range of different Saints. Sometimes the children may decide to plan their liturgies based on an aspect of their RE learning that they would like to develop spiritually.
Our spiritual leaders are also focused on supporting other members of their class to help lead liturgies. They will select a small team to help create their liturgies each week.
The planner below is a platform that the leaders and their teams use to plan class liturgies that offer a range of ways to share God's message with our community.
Play music, sit in a certain way, lighting a range of candles, looking at a thought provoking picture, artefact or resource and more.
Readings from the bible, Listening to world news, listening to psalms, listening to prayers, sharing a story or a hymn, acting out the Gospel and more.
Write a post-it, write a prayer, activity E.G. art, open prayer, pass the candle and more.
Go Forth
Take something home, complete a special weekly challenge, remember something and more