St Gregory's

Catholic Academy

Parent Pay

Spring Garden Road, Longton Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire ST3 2QN

01782 254833

Part of

All Saints Catholic Collegiate



Subject Intent

At St. Gregory’s Catholic Academy we believe History is an important part of the curriculum which stimulates the pupil’s interest, curiosity and understanding about the past.  Through the curriculum, pupils will gain a knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world. We teach pupils a sense of chronology and through this develop a sense of identity and an awareness of the challenges of their time. Teaching should equip pupils to ask questions, think critically, weigh evidence and develop perspective and judgement. History teaching should help pupils to understand the complexity of pupil’s lives, the process of change, the diversity of societies and the relationship between different groups.


History From Our Children

“We believe that history is like a treasure, if we didn’t have any artefacts then we wouldn’t know about the past.

History teaches us how significant people have behaved and we form our own historical opinions based on different sources. We enjoy exploring historical artefacts to research the past. History lessons are always exciting, we are given opportunities to research using the computers or the ipads and we have also explored ‘loan boxes’ from our local museums.”


At St Gregory’s Catholic Academy, History is taught as a discrete subject. The topics taught in each class show clear progression through the year groups and help to support pupil’s development in using Historical vocabulary and critical thinking as this becomes more complex as the pupils move through the school.


Early Years Foundation Stage

Our youngest pupils learn about history within the EYFS curriculum ‘Understanding of the World’. The objectives are set out in the Early Learning Goals, which underpin the curriculum planning of pupils aged between three and five years old.  History makes a significant contribution to the ELG objectives of developing a pupil’s knowledge and understanding of the world through activities such as exploring historical artefacts, looking and discussing pictures of famous people in history or discovering the meaning of new and old in relation to their own lives. Historical vocabulary is also introduced and developed to enable pupils to discuss their ideas fully.


Key Stage 1

In Key Stage 1, the pupils will begin by learning about small snapshots of history by considering changes within living memory to help pupils to understand how history is always being made. They will also look at local history in order for pupils to understand how their homes and lives have been affected by people and events around them, giving them a regional identity. They will start to look at history on a global scale by looking at significant people and events from the past.


Key Stage 2

In Key Stage 2, pupils will begin to study specific periods in a chronological order. Pupils will continue to develop the concepts of historical enquiry by beginning to differentiate between primary and secondary sources and make independent evaluations of historical events. They will be able to build up an understanding of chronology from ancient history to modern history.

A progression in skills and knowledge will help pupils to build on these skills through the primary curriculum and will equip them as they move into higher education and beyond.


Useful Documents


National Curriculum for History Key Stage One and Key Stage Two

EYFS History

History National Curriculum and EYFS

Progression of Skills in History

History Curriculum Map

History Topics



Useful Links

Kelvin Kiln - Stoke 100

Meet Stoke-on-Trent's Mascot - Kelvin Kiln!

We are very privileged to play a small role in the centenary of Stoke-on-Trent. 

Congratulations to our Year 6 winners who helped design an aspect of the mascot and also named him. 

What an honour for them to receive a 'Service to our City' award from our Lord Mayor.

Click the link below to see the press release for this event and our role on the centenary website.,who%20brought%20Kelvin%20to%20life

Learning About Our Local Area Through Art

We were fortunate to have three paintings of Stoke-on-Trent loaned to us for the day from the Potteries Museum and Art Gallery. This was a great way for the whole school to delve deeper into the history of Stoke-on-Trent.

Do you know the locations of the subject matter?

The Queen's Platinum Jubilee



To celebrate Queen Elizabeth II reigning for 70 years, each year group enjoyed a street party based on a different decade. The children also played games and listened to music from their given decade.

Nursery - Present day

Reception - 2010s

Year 1 - 2000s

Year 2 - 1990s

Year 3 - 1980s

Year 4 -  1970s

Year 5 - 1960s

Year 6 - 1950s

Each year group enjoyed learning about the life and achievements of Queen Elizabeth II from their decade. The children have displayed their work around the school to create a timeline of Her Majesty's reign.


A Letter from King Charles III




St. Gregory's have written a special letter to King Charles III sending our congratulations on his coronation.

We were delighted when we received a response!

A part of history that both pupils and staff shall remember forever. 


Coronation of King Charles III 

To celebrate King Charles III Coronation, we held many activities across the school including:

  • Painting a wooden bottle kiln - As King Charles III is passionate about our environment and this was to be a key theme in his coronation, each class painted their hopes and dreams for our planet on a wooden bottle kiln planter, linking our futures to the history of Stoke-on-Trent. 
  • A wonderful Grandparent Afternoon Tea where they judged a Key Stage 2 coronation themed baking competition, listened to our talented orchestra and watched special performances from Year 1 and 3.
  • Children painted coronation themed plates with their parents.
  • Key Stage 1 and EYFS created some wonderful crown which were showcased in a parade.
  • Each year group celebrated the Commonwealth by tasting food from their chosen country.

Nursery - Canada

Reception - Cyprus

Year 1 - Australia

Year 2 - India

Year 3 - Sri Lanka

Year 4 -  Pakistan

Year 5 - New Zealand

Year 6 - Kenya

Levison Wood - Significant Person from Stoke-on-Trent

Year 1 were very excited when they received a video from explorer and author Levison Wood which helped them learn more about significant people from Stoke-on-Trent.

Jodrell Bank

Year 1 have enjoyed beginning their space topic by visiting Jodrell Bank. 

Year 2 have been learning all about the Great Fire of London. For their project, they have each created their own house. With the help of Mark Fox from Peak Survival, the children recreated the fire of London.

Norman Castles

Year 2 have been learning all about Norman castles. They continued their learning at Stafford Castle where they experienced how castles were defended and invaded. The children also had a go at minting Norman coins!

Ancient Egypt

Year 3 had a fantastic time enhancing their learning of Ancient Egypt. They thoroughly enjoyed collecting wood to make a fire and building pyramids. 

Year 4 were very excited to have a visit from Julian Mitchell, the great nephew of Reginald Mitchell. The children prepared questions to ask Julian to further their knowledge of the life and work of Reginald. 

Our Head Boy, Morgan and Head Girl, Gracie, greeted Julian upon his arrival where they had the pleasure of giving him a tour of our school. 

Year 6 had the opportunity to be involved in the launch of the Spitfire Gallery at the Potteries Museum and Art Gallery where they took part in interviews with BBC Midlands Today and The Sentinel.