St Gregory's

Catholic Academy

Parent Pay

Spring Garden Road, Longton Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire ST3 2QN

01782 254833

Part of

All Saints Catholic Collegiate

Mission Statement



As a Catholic school our fundamental mission is to promote the teachings of Christ through our Mission Statement of ‘Service before Self, permeates everything that happens in our school. We aim for our children to become life-long learners, who achieve excellence in all areas with God at the centre of their lives.


St. Gregory’s strives to provide a happy, secure and caring environment which fosters love and acknowledgement of Christ’s presence as central to personal, social and academic experiences and achievements. Through daily collective worship and liturgy, supported by a structured R.E. scheme of work, we aim to facilitate and develop children’s understanding and commitment to the Catholic faith, whilst also encouraging the practice of the faith on a regular basis.

Our ministry is well-supported by links with the parish community of St. Gregory’s Catholic Church. Catechists from the parish are involved in sacramental preparation, Masses and liturgical celebrations in school.

It is through the successful integration of our Catholic ethos and high-quality learning and teaching experiences that we endeavour to enable every child to achieve their own personal targets in all areas of the curriculum. Fundamental to this philosophy is our desire to help children to value themselves as individuals, whilst recognising their responsibilities within the school and parish community and wider world.


Mission Statement Consultation